If you want to get started learning web design and development, you will find an absolute mountain of information available online which will cover every aspect of this technical process. The main skills you will need to learn are HTML, CSS and Javascript for front-end design, it will also help to know about creating mockups, wire framing, UX Design and the processes involved at each stage.
There are many ways to learn these skills, such as following online tutorials, watching videos, joining interactive courses and so on. Another way is by following along in physical books or eBooks – we find this is one of the best ways to learn as a book is structured correctly to lead you along the process step by step.
if you would like to get started learning Web Design, we have put together this collection of completely free eBooks which you can download to help you learn different aspects. Whether you want to learn these techniques to build your own website or take it further and enter a career in this field you will find something here of value – Take a look below and begin your journey of learning this exciting and rewarding new skill.
The Guide to UX Design Process & Documentation (PDF)
The Guide to UX Design Process & Documentation is a master collection of frameworks and all the web designers and developers should read this book once. In every discussion, you will have examples from the experts. Check this out!
The Guide to Mockups (PDF)
This ebook will help you to create mockups in SketchApp & Photoshop. Besides, you will get practical advice from the experts. However, you will get all the explanations of the mockups and analysis of different design process.
The Guide to Wireframing (PDF)
Wireframing is actually a huge topic and this interesting 100-page ebook will bring the big idea to detail. This will be the best companion for wireframing. Here, you will get the theoretical and practical section. We must say this is simply an amazing book.
UX Design for Start-Ups By Marcin Treder
If you and your company want to conquer the whole world with some amazing and stunning UX designs, this is a must read book for you. No matter what you are a beginner or an expert, it will definitely bring your skills to the next level.
Adaptive Web Design By Aaron Gustafson (HTML)
This ebook will helps you to know about the origins of progressive enhancement. It will help you to apply the progressive enhancement principles using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
A Guide to HTML5 & CSS3 By Ashley Menhennett
If you are interested in web development and you do not have any previous knowledge of HTML and CSS, then we would recommend you to download this ebook. This ebook covers all the basics of web development. As HTML and CSS is the primary thing for designing a website so this will be a great starting point for you to make plans for your website. If you are interested to download this book, you have to signup first and then you will be able to download this ebook.
HTML Canvas Deep Dive By Josh Marinacci (HTML)
This book is actually a basic introduction to Canvas by Josh Marinacci. It has been introduced into two sections which contain both a theoretical and hands-on-lessons. These will definitely help you to build canvas apps.
HTML5 Canvas By Jeff Fulton
Here comes the second edition of an amazing ebook HTML5 Canvas. It will teach you about how to draw, render text, manipulate images, etc. throughout the book. It contains 53 interactive examples and exercises. This book is completely free. Try this out!
Pocket Guide to Writing SVG By Joni Trythall (HTML)
This book is specially written for the designers and developers. It offers a brief and detailed introduction to build SVG online. It helps the designers to learn and add SVG to their workflow.
Speaking JavaScript By Dr. Axel Rauschmayer (HTML, PDF & ePub)
Speaking JavaScript is such an amazing ebook. It helps the beginners to learn the basic JS which will help them to be productive straight away. In this book, you will find a detailed reference guide which covers each and every JS features in details.
JS MythBusters
JS MythBusters is a wonderful ebook for web designers and developers from a high-level point of view. It will help you to learn how to use JavaScript language features without losing performance.
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns By Addy Osmani
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns is a wonderful free ebook. It will help you to write beautiful, structured JS in an user-friendly way. It uses classical and modern design patterns to the language. This book is Written by Addy Osmani. This book will keep your code efficient, more manageable, and up-to-date with the latest best practices. Try this out!
Developing Backbone.js Applications By Addy Osmani
Developing Backbone.js Applications will help you to create a frontend of your website with a single page application. It will show you how to get the job in a proper way. Here you will learn about the structured JavaScript applications, using Backbone’s own flavor of model-view-controller (MVC) architecture.
Locking Down WordPress By Rachel Baker, Brad Williams & John Ford
This free ebook will help you to make your wordpress security under control.
11 Things to Do with Every New WordPress Install (PDF)
This free ebook is all about the tips and tricks to start packaging and offering wordpress maintenance service to your clients.
Pro Git 2nd Edition By Scott Chacon and Ben Straub (HTML, PDF, ePub & Mobi)
If you want to know about the basics and advanced topics of Git, this book is only for you. This book is the second edition by the author.
Git From The Bottom Up by John Wiegley
Git From the Bottom Up is a free ebook and it is available in PDF file. You can learn the basics to advanced level of Git from here.
The UX Reader By MailChimp (ePub, PDF & Mobi)
We must say, this book is simply amazing. It is a collection of most popular articles from MailChimp’s UX Newsletter. However, it also includes some exclusive contents as a bonus.
The Guide to Usability Testing (PDF)
This amazing ebook called Guide to Usability Testing contains practical explanations, tips, and tricks on usability testing. Besides, it has provided some useful advice from the experts as well. We would highly recommend this free book to the web designers and developers.
Resilient Web Design By Jeremy Keith (HTML, EPUB, MOBI)
If you need a guideline for robust websites, then this free book is only for you. You can say it is a history book. Here you will get ideas, tips and tricks about how to make a better robust website for your clients.
Eloquent JavaScript
Eloquent JavaScript is a free ebook and it is all about JavaScript and Programming. This book is the second edition by the author. If you are a beginner in the programming world, have a look at this book. You can read this book online or you can buy a hard copy of this book.
Programming JavaScript Applications By Eric Elliott
Programming JavaScript Applications is recommended to those developers who are familiar with javascript or may be an experience of one or two years. Here, you will know the javascript in advance.
You Don’t Know JS (book series)
This series of books will teach you the core mechanisms of JavaScript Language. It is an amazing series for the beginners. This is the first edition of the series. Hopefully, you will like it.
Human JavaScript by Henrik Joreteg
Human JavaScript is a free ebook and it contains a set of tools and patterns for the javascript lovers. This ebook will help you to create high-quality javascript applications.
Building Front-End Web Apps with Plain JavaScript by Gerd Wagner
This amazing book has been written for those experienced Javascript developers who want to learn js for creating functional web apps.
PHP: The Right Way By Josh Lockhart
It is actually an easy to read, user-friendly quick reference book for PHP developers. It aims to provide you some useful information, tips, and tricks about PHP before its too late. You can read this book in multiple languages.
WordPress Meet Responsive Design By Chris Coyier, Ian Stewart & Sara Cannon
If you want to build a responsive wordpress website, this book is only for you. This book will provide you some strategies on how to create a responsive design. So, why are you waiting for? Try this out now!
Web UI Best Practices (PDF)
This book is a guideline of 109 pages which includes advice from the experts, detail discussion on UI elements such as color, contrast, typography etc.
The Little Book Of Modern Frontend Tooling (HTML)
This book will definitely introduce you to the world of tooling for modern web applications. It will help you to learn about the application development lifecycle. This book is completely free. You can have a look at this book.
Building Web Apps with Go By Jeremy Saenz (HTML, ePub, MOBI & PDF)
If you want to be an expert on we applications with the Go programming language, this book is only for you. It’s completely free. Check this out!